Fora Embedded Payment Protection
Digital Lending
1m+ Customers
What we’ve embedded:
Product Name:
Digital Lending
Method of Deployment:
Cross-sell during pre and post loan onboarding
Propel Holdings, a digital lender operating in the U.S., launched Fora, their Canadian brand, and wanted to add a fully-digital check-box creditor insurance enrolment experience to match the convenience of their lending experience.

ATCO Friends and Family Plans
Retail energy
3m+ customers
What we’ve embedded:
Product Name:
Retail energy
Method of Deployment:
Embedded within energy plans, cross-sold during energy onboarding
We’re excited to partner with Walnut, bringing insurance into the digital age and creating greater access to protection for all Canadians. We’ve been impressed with how their infrastructure has been able to support us in growing our product offering.